The Train to Mandalay.

Day 4 Yangon with Min Zaw. Overnight train to Mandalay.

Taxi drivers can make 15-25 thousand Khat per day, which Min Zaw says is good money. The government moved to Napitaw 1 year ago and Yangon is quiet now. New roads are very good from Yangon to the administrative capital. Prices are higher now in Yangon than in Bangkok.


The Train to Mandalay

She bucks like a rodeo bull. 16 hours overnight sleeper car, bed No.1 Only thing served by the wait-boy is chicken and fried rice. Met Rene H and Debbie L in beds No.3 and 4. Bankers from Singapore. Said UN ruined East Timor (for tourists, hahaha.). Their tour guide was going to holiday in Australia. First time Rene ever had a tour guide who could afford to holiday in Australia.



Mandalay – Sikhs, Muslims, Chinese, Buddhists, Shan.

Shan noodles, cold greasy but tasty – K600.

Coffee + 3 cigarettes – K300

Motorbike minimum K500

Walked the streets that Monday night.

Amerthyst stones, teardrop, grade 3, high facet(?)

2x8mm , 2×9, 1×10 K300,000 ~ $380

Textiles: longgi K10,000, Chin Design K10,000